My Scrapbook Goals and How I'm Doing

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Flash Backs

I have decided that about once a week I'm going to share one of the layouts I did for my son from his travels. He started his word travels with two mission trips to the Dominican Republic with our church. These were life changing for him. He began to feel a pull to Africa. He was able to spend a semester than in 2006 attending the Christian University of Kampala in Uganda. He loved his time there and has long to return ever since. Since then he has been able to spend a month in South Africa and a month in China through programs with his seminary. He will be graduating in May with a MA in Mission and World Christianity. He is currently working on an application with MCC for a few positions opening up in Africa. So while he works on his application and waits for word if he has been accepted I will be sharing some of my favorite photos from Jacob's travels. Since I did these layouts before I really knew about keeping track of what I used I can give no credit to the papers I used. They were almost all Freebies. I hope you enjoy some of these early layouts I created.

I love this photo for several reasons. I love the fact that it was taken in Black and White. Some photos just lend them selves well to this. Second I love the contrast of the more traditional dugouts next to the more modern style boat. And finally I love the peacefulness to the picture. It just has a very reflective feel.

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